Hottest new super strategies to help your kids and spouse

Recontribution tactics made possible by rule changes are a game changer for older Australians and their families. 

The 2021 federal budget introduced sweeping changes to superannuation, most of which have become law. Two changes – removing the work test requirement for non-concessional super contributions for people between 67 and 75 and extending the eligibility for individuals under 75 to make non-concessional contributions using the bring-forward rules – are rewriting the rule book for recontribution strategies relating to estate planning and spouse equalisation.

First, the changes. Under the old rules, the bring-forward arrangements were available only to individuals aged 67 or less. That has been extended to those aged 74 or less on July 1 of a financial year. But no other eligibility requirements to access the bring-forward arrangements have changed.

It means individuals must have a total superannuation balance at the previous June 30 of less than $1.48 million to be eligible for a three-year bring-forward period and can contribute up to $330,000 of non-concessional contributions. Those with balances between $1.48 million and $1.59 million are eligible for a two-year bring-forward period and can contribute up to $220,000 of non-concessional contributions. Individuals with balances between $1.59 million and $1.7 million cannot use the bring-forward rule but can still contribute up to $110,000.

Regarding changes to the work test requirement, it means those aged 67-74 no longer need to meet a work test to be able to contribute to super. Also, there continues to be no work test requirement to receive Super Guarantee or award contributions.

But there is a small catch. For individuals wanting to claim a tax deduction for their personal super contributions, there is no change to the work test definition. This means individuals must work at least 40 hours in 30 consecutive days in the financial year the contribution is made to be able to claim a tax deduction for their personal contribution.

So why are these two changes having such an impact? In simple terms, a recontribution strategy involves a member withdrawing a tax-free amount from their super account, and then recontributing it to their super account as a non-concessional contribution. It typically involves withdrawing an amount from super that comprises a taxable component, or a proportionate amount of taxable and tax-free amount, and then recontributing it as a non-concessional contribution. The result is the taxable component is converted to a tax-free component.

With the work test no longer being a barrier for individuals aged 67-75 making a non-concessional contribution, it means many can use this strategy.

Helping adult kids

Although the taxable and tax-free status of your super benefit may not matter much if you are over 60 (as a lump sum or super pension paid to you after 60 is typically tax-free), it does matter on your death. That’s because super death benefits that are paid to a non-tax dependant (such as an adult, non-financially dependent child), are subject to tax, with tax being deducted from the taxable component of your benefit.

As a recontribution strategy reduces the proportion of your benefit that is classified as a taxable component and increases the proportion that is classified as a tax-free component, it has the effect of reducing the tax that may otherwise be payable when the benefit is paid to a non-tax dependant.

Helping your spouse

Recontribution strategies can also be used to even up balances between spouses. This can be particularly useful if one spouse is getting close to the transfer balance cap and the other spouse is well under their cap. Removing funds from one and adding them to the other can maximise the combined amount that can be transferred to the pension phase when the couple retires.
However, it’s important to note recontribution strategies are subject to the same contribution caps and total superannuation balance limits that normally apply to non-concessional contributions.
It’s also important to be aware of the 75 age limit and whether the recontribution strategy involves the full commutation of an existing pension. If the latter is the case, you will also need to receive at least a pro rata pension payment before the commutation and, if you are receiving the age pension, before implementing the strategy you must consider what impact, if any, it could have on your age pension entitlements.
For SMSF members, if the withdrawal is likely to require the sale of one of more fund assets, it is also important to consider and factor in any potential CGT and other transaction costs such as brokerage and conveyancing costs.
A recontribution strategy can be a powerful estate planning and spouse equalisation strategy, but there can be many traps for the unwary. Seeking professional advice could be the smart option.
Opinion piece written by John Maroney, CEO, SMSF Association. 

Experts highlight complexities with crypto and SMSFs

With SMSF investors increasingly incorporating cryptocurrency into their funds, it’s important to take note of the complexities involved in the merging of the two worlds.

Based on the latest ATO statistics, SMSFs held $227 million AUD in cryptocurrency assets at 31 December 2021, with that amount continuing to grow.

Speaking ahead of the SMSF webcast on cryptocurrencies and SMSFs, Shane Brunette, CEO and co-founder of CryptoTaxCalculator says that while the popularity of cryptocurrencies involved in SMSFs is increasing, there isn’t enough awareness about the nuances that are required to compliantly incorporate one into the other.

“SMSF professionals will need to carefully manage the combination of crypto and SMSFs. This is to ensure that any and all crypto assets are valued correctly and that there is enough evidence to satisfy the sole purpose test”, Brunette said. “Providing evidence of asset ownership and activity for the purposes of satisfying the sole purpose test can be tricky”, he states.

According to the ATO’s current guidelines, SMSFs can invest in crypto if it is allowed under the fund’s deed and in accordance with its investment strategy. They have to demonstrate clear ownership of the crypto.

“Legal documentation is critical, especially for non-exchange wallets which have no ownership details recorded,” says Harrison Dell, director of Cadena Legal.

Separate from the need to comply with the ATO’s current guidelines, SMSF trustees also need to minimise risk to clients’ portfolios.

“With crypto, volatility is really important when assessing risk levels. If the crypto that your clients wants to invest in has historically seen large fluctuations, it could heighten the level of risk involved. This is where the discussion towards a diversified portfolio comes into play”, says Brunette.

“We expect this space to get much bigger and continue to change, as listed investments now track crypto indexes like Monochrome or DeFi alternatives like $DPI (DeFi Pulse Token),” said Dell.

As the space grows, the importance of appropriate legal documentation surrounding proof of assets, ownership of wallets, and tax records also increases. The amount of record-keeping required to stay compliant can become very burdensome and may increase as tax reforms are expected in coming years. Fortunately, crypto tax software exists to reduce this manual workload.

Complexities surrounding crypto, potential portfolio risks, record-keeping requirements, and practical methods to achieve compliance will be discussed in the upcoming webcast hosted by SMSF Adviser. 

The webcast takes place on Tuesday the 23rd of August with Shane Brunette and Harrison Dell. 

Source: SMSF Adviser