New auditor tool launched for title searches, ASIC extracts

Audit software firm Cloudoffis has announced a new integration with a technology company that will allow auditors to automatically access title searches, ASIC extracts, corporate trustee searches and background checks.

Cloudoffis has integrated with technology firm InfoTrack, allowing SMSF auditors to request corporate trustee ASIC searches through the Cloudoffis platform, which are then automatically stored for quick access.

They will also be able to instantly order ASIC extracts and attach them directly to the audit.

The integration will also enable users to access title searches, background checks and know your customer checks. Searches can be performed directly through Cloudoffis with the results and related costs returned to Cloudoffis and added to the auditor’s subscription.

Cloudoffis has also improved its integration with BGL so that users no longer need to manually upload operating statements, financial statements and investment summaries.
