Rosemary Hook, Cowra, NSW

Rosemary Hook runs a sheep property, producing fine wool, near Cowra, NSW. She took over from her parents in 2002. Rosemary’s long-standing relationship with Practical Systems began when she started using the company’s Cashbook software, following a recommendation from a friend.

Using Cashbook helped her manage both her own books and the farm’s accounts. Rosemary subsequently used it to also manage her parents’ financial affairs when they were no longer able to do so themselves. When switching to Practical Systems software, Rosemary felt much more in control of her accounts; “The reports that the software generated were more appealing. They were really simple, they made sense and they kept all my accounts in one place. It was all really straightforward.”

Rosemary also runs her own self-managed super fund (SMSF). When opting for an SMSF, the main driver behind Rosemary’s decision was to have more control over her fund and investments; something that she felt was lacking with traditional retail and industry funds.

“When I first moved to an SMSF it was because I wanted to have more control over where my money was invested. I like to invest ethically; there are particular things I want to support and companies I’d rather not have my money with. It’s something I feel really strongly about. I wanted to be able to make decisions about my own fund, rather than have someone else make them for me,” she said.

Initially, Rosemary used a well-known, specialised SMSF management software program for the accounting work for the fund but soon found it was too difficult to use and stopped using it. However, having been happy with her experience using Cashbook and the consistently high level of service and support from the Practical Systems team, Rosemary was keen to use Practical Systems Super to help with managing her SMSF.

Given the complex nature of SMSFs and the constantly evolving legislative environment, Rosemary previously needed to rely on a number of third-parties to help with compliance and administration. Now Practical Systems Super has put the power back in Rosemary’s hands.

“Cashbook has given me control over my business accounts for many years, and Practical Systems Super is now giving me that same level of control over my SMSF and financial future,” she said.